Friday, February 5, 2010

Attributes of the stones part of the journey

The part of the journey should give one a little more on the understanding of the properties,and the 'vibes' given off by some 'stones',a lot depends on the type of stone,whether rough or processed,the shape (and symbol in some cases),the density and how the vibration applies to you AND even moreso the world as a whole.

The concept of Enchantment as a broad one...steeped in the realms of imagination and focused mobility to bring said Enchantment into 'manifestation' here in the World of Form .One of the concepts of Enchantment and the pieces that DragonWillow makes is how to both 'know' the properties of the stones by both 'wisdom AND intuition',and the various combinations of what stones work together with what charms,whether a silver charm or copper would best for the 'current of flow' and even a number plays into the 'effect' as like 2 or 3 stones or 2 stones and a charm,or even a 1 stone with a holder bead of a semi-precious stones.

Such as an example:

How does a Druid egg Dragonskin agate,with a knotwork charm and a small angelite work in a combination?The answers to this will be in a later section of this assured it will go into extreme detail!

How does the example piece,mentioned above,work in a Wyzardry setting?Druidic?Wiccan?or would it be considered 'Universal'?

Again in a late page this will come to light...

If it is your will read the info on these sites,you may find them quite useful,then come on back and we will continue this journey!A point to note we have no business affiliation with the suggested sites a few are Heathen and neo-Pagan,some are 'New agey'...some more grounded in present day,feet firmly planted on the Earth and some.well,can be a little out there so read with a disterning eye!

OK you are back now...good!Let us continue the footsteps toward a little more understanding on the Dragonskin agates,the testing we have done with them,the Enchantment's we have done to assure their 'safe process' and 'proper creations'!

We dont use 'consecrated salt water' to cleanse them from any past vibrations,we use very cold water 39 degree's (mentioned in the Druid magic Handbook)and we leave them out in the Sun for at least 3 hours or until they 'signal us' they are 'cured',then they are 'sorted'...layed out on a velvet cloth (light blue almost gray) and we then begin the process of 'stone combinations' by meditating on hear them,or 'feel them' speaking at what combination of stones' give the best flow,whether a quickness,a slower more 'Earthy' tone or even a higher vibration,that as I myself and a few others who have purchased them,a 'continuous oversweeping' that send the senses reeling!

Some vibrate to the Sun,Moon and Earth differently...some have a distinctive 'impression' of extreme 'elemental power',so these are taken as an Enchantment of love and also taken very seriously by DragonWillow...she demands perfection from herself,and 'proper influence' from what she is aiding in the realm of Enchantment to aspire!

Once all this is done they it 'really starts'...making the pieces during the correct astrological phase,whether the Moon is Void of Course or not,any retrogrades to consider,whether they like the bardic prose to be spoken or sung to them...hanging in the Sunlight?Or maybe the Moonlight?Maybe at the East at Sunrise or west at Moonfall?

Yes we have had all this happen and much,much more...

We use our 'wands' (we found this to be more of a benefit than a blade) to help communicate with the stones,and sometimes to quell the insurging might of the Dragonskin agates...yes they can be very powerful unharnessed,in aside a ritual area of their 'making by charms of Enchantment',proper lighting soft and unthreatening,with all tools of the craft priorly consecrated.

The deep breathing and the meditations work well with an anxious Dragonskin agate piece 'waiting' to begin the work with 'someone' it calls...and they do send out 'a beacon,a signal' to the one who is to wear them,so as the transformative experience and Enchantments can get underway.Both DragonWillow and I have both seen this take place many times in the last few months.

Now the journey continues and it gets more interesting as the road winds onwards!

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