Saturday, February 6, 2010

Beginning the Enchantments...DragonWillow's own view of the working!

Another morning begins, yet it is new and different from the day before..the call of the Earth Mother is a potent one, inspiring each new moment in time...

Finneagas and I have had time to wake up, discuss any dream journeys, and go through our morning rituals of meditations, opening and closing of the Grove, and readying ourselves for our day.I begin to feel the call of the stones, and the magic they awaken within me. Once I begin, I become swept up in the colors and patterns, the way the energy moves through each stone, the images and emotions they impart. It is a heady feeling, it's kept me up and awake at times with little sleep.

I listen to the stones, and begin matching the partner reminds me of wind kites (clouds), light and soft drifting across a bright blue sky, yes, angelite is your companion stone with it's high yet gentle vibration. The piece comes together effortlessly. When done, I look at it as if seeing it for the first time, almost as if I don't realize it was my own hands that just did this...

On to the next, this one a beautiful cream with rich brown and gold veins, it speaks to me of rich earth and the strength of tree roots. The stone is beautiful, but surprisingly turbulent. This one will belong to a Druid of great earth wisdom. It demands an internal spark of the old ways, and old paths, but it will be a force of nature that can heal by words and deeds of it's bearer. This bearer will have the gift of enchanting the world on a very real and physical nature. The companion to this one was difficult to dedeuce, but low and behold, a botswana agate with very unusual markings spoke in harmony with this one. Once found, the piece came together beautifully. I was so tempted to keep this one, but it was not for me... another shall work this magic, for the Mother has many children.


I take a moment to re-connect with my own piece, clearing my thoughts, letting it's energy wash over and through me so I can clearly sense the next stone. And so it goes, with each new piece. Some jump around in my hand, they all sing, some show me images of design, some show me images of magic symbols, but they all reserve that innermost seed of wisdom for the bearer they shall be connected to...

I tested what I was getting by creating a series of pieces for specific individuals. Based on what I knew, (which in some cases was very little), I let the stones and Deity guide my hands and heart. The result was astounding. They all matched the people I had created them for! The one minor exception, was a young woman that chose to acquire another piece and wear it first before working with the one I had gifted to her. She found that though she didn't wear it immediately, she was unable to put it down, so she kept it in her pocket for about a week. After that, she began wearing has worked for her in ways the other did not, which has been a very good thing for her. I'm quite happy for her!

Another woman put hers on, and within thirty minutes was so amped with energy it started releasing blocks she wasn't aware of and the energy just kept flowing.(We notice that if you get a group of four or five wearing these in proximity, the psychic intoxication is hysterical and does wonders for the mood/energy of a place!)

The stones speak, and I heed the call...

More to follow as the magic continues to unfold...DragonWillow

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