Friday, February 5, 2010

Beginning the view of DragonWillow working

Alright, to some this may be not very interesting at all, and to others it just may be the 'idea' they needed. DragonWillow and I have been long term practitioners in a few branches of Magic(k);Golden Dawn, Wicca, RDNA and now,as stated before, Druid candidates in the AODA. We use various methods and principles in our 'work', but we recommend without hesitation the two books by John Michael Greer; the Druidry Handbook and the Druid Magic Handbook...they are well written,easy to read and filled with information to help the sincere seeker on their path.

DragonWillow out of respect for the Grand ArchDruid of the AODA will post nothing of his © material, but do so suggest a good healthy read of the two books mentioned. Also, one can go to the AODA website, and discover a wealth of information there!

Back on the journey..ours is like most peoples' day, once up and moving (and enticing ourselves with enough 'wake up juice')we begin the morning 'discursive meditations' and the 'daily theme'...we also begin the 'concentration practices', and the chosen color breathing for the energy work planned.

We then decide...the Stone Circle outdoors, or in the inside ring? Once decided, robed in white, our cord, crane bags, cauldron, and begins. Opening of the Grove, Druid protection prayer, then the Sphere of Protection...ours it a bit different but the one listed below is very close to the one we modified to suit our own practice!

We continue with further meditations, magickal work (if any) then Closing the Grove. We do this everyday, without fail!

So what's this got to do with jewelry made by G L Charmlyn aka DragonWillow? Hang on, it's leading to it...

We have several wands and staves that we use, but those that begin the day with the exaltation of the Solar current and the blessings to the Telluric current are the ones we use to 'communicate' with the pieces made and or awaiting creation... it's just our way, do as what you will, each will find what works for best for them.

'Follow the path, your path which is not my path, but follow the path'

OK, then with everything set 'into its proper place' she bear with me, this will take some time, and is not easy to describe. She is still in a moving 'meditative state' with 'wand in hand. She begins to 'speak word-songs' over the stones, to let her know which ones want to be 'put together' and if there are 'any specific ones', and so on. As she 'sets the hands with light to the stones, she 'feels' which ones want to be 'created' and sets them out on the light blue-gray velvet cloth.

She waves the wand over them in the symbol of the 'lingham' and states...'let the Enchantment of each stone, each measure, and each way come alive by my words and will, to sing the songs of Enchantment and unfold as you are being created'!

Then she usually sorts the stones, gets 'impressions', and lays them out in an order for the work to continue. She sits back, and confirms the combinations are in harmony (we leave 'selenite plates' nearby for 'energy recharging' if the process drains her, and it has a few times).She then usually goes and pulls a 3 Ogham pull, or Runes, maybe even a Greenman Tree Oracle reading, it depends on the day (night) or on how she is 'weaving the Enchantments'.

As she returns to the 'area of ritual influence' where the stones lay, she makes a symbol (depends on what ones being created) over them, tells them what she is going to do, by words and incense 're-blesses' all materials and stones and off she goes to putting them together.

She calls upon a certain set of Gods and Goddesses (usually Lugh Samildanach and Brid) but often times others to guide her hands, and to 'link' this into the aspect of 'spirituality' but make no mistake...they aren't 'linked' to specific Gods, the God forms are called upon only to guide!

Yes, it's a marvel to watch and the energy from this most days is 'overwhelming'! The energy carries with each one, as we have heard from others who have acquired them!

I won't share 'how she makes them', it's a natural thing for her as DragonWillow is an amazing creative person, in art, music, poetry, ritual formation, etc.I do however, love to watch her 'smile' and 'glow' as each one is finished. She then usually performs an 'awakening ritual' to bring each one into manifestation (a thrice blessing ceremony) and then 'we' meditate on each to 'see' if we can get 'any further impressions' and ready them 'to leave the nest'.

This, sometimes, is an all day to all night affair, but well worth the excitement and experience, which will be discussed in later pages. Some very interesting happenings involving these pieces and where they led us...We will also be posting in later pages the 'awakening ceremony' (a variant of it) and a variant of the Thrice Blessing Ceremony.

Each piece is 'put to sleep' and will be re-awakened' in and by the right hands...we have seen this many times over since Samhain 2009.The next page will be DragonWillow herself and what 'she experiences' in this Earth Mysteries spiral and creation of the Jewelry.

Oh yes, the journey continues...stay close at hand, you just may find this VERY interesting!

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